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The Children's Rescue Initiative

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November 8, 2019
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For the most part, in the United States, when tragedy strikes, there are systems in place (albeit not perfect systems, but systems nonetheless) to care for you if the unthinkable should happen. If you were to suddenly find yourself, a child, whose parents were killed in some freak accident, alone in this world, there are people around to help you.But overseas, this is not the case. Tsunamis, mudslides, genocide, sectarian violence...all of these things could turn a child into an orphan almost instantly. Families just trying to get by may even sell their children to pay off a debt. These kids, either orphaned or sold off become slaves, traded like currency, worked till their death, beaten, abused, raped...bought and sold like commodities.That's where the Children's Rescue Initiative comes in. Founded by Bruce, (no last names, OPSEC 'n' shit) an Air Force veteran and global adventurer who rescued his first child in Asia, CRI puts men and women on the ground abroad to rescue children bound by unfortunate circumstances. A non-profit with only two-part-time paid employees, the purpose is to free the children, set them up with a family, and support them until they turn of age. That's it. The beauty is in the simplicity and the passion that these men and women have for simply doing what is right.Upon rescuing a group of children, CRI sets the child up with a family in their host country and gives the family $40 a month for expenses supporting the child. The families are vetted and protect the child as their own, ensuring they are not forced back into slavery.The men and women of CRI come from all walks of life, everyone from a barista to nuns, military and special operations veterans alike. CRI finds your talent and puts you to work supporting the mission. Rescuing kids.Despite having a bounty on his head, despite being poisoned twice, Bruce has continued to lead CRI by example, being fearless so that children the world over can live in less fear. The attitudes of the men and women that work with him are mirror images of Bruce. They are committed, they love what they do with reckless abandon, and perform with laser-like precision.Human trafficking has become an epidemic across the entire world and the men and women of CRI are well on their way to putting a major dent in those operations, having already rescued over 2200 children from slavery.If you want to know what it feels like to truly be a hero, support CRI with your time and/or your money, a child somewhere depends on it.Facebook:

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