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Mark Cuban for President?

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 24, 2017
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It just all seems like a game or a popularity contest that’ll decide who controls nuclear weapons. If you’ve got the money, you can play. If you don’t, you can’t. Let's keep that in mind as we delve into the latest celebrity who wants to be the "leader of the free world."

Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and star of the hit TV show Shark Tank, says that in 2020, he may run as a Republican that challenges Trump in the primaries. That would be a very difficult win for Mark Cuban to pull off as the sitting president usually gets his party's primary votes.Early on in the 2016 presidential race, Cuban was a supporter of Trump but quickly switched his thinking, telling the world “It’s rare that you see someone get stupider before your eyes, but he’s really working at it” in regards to Trump. Cuban soon started referring to himself as a #NeverTrump and sat in the front row at a debate in support of #TeamHillary.We generally like Mark Cuban. The Shark Tank star has garnered a lot of fans through the show and his compassionate business acumen. He has taken on products and services, that other "sharks" wouldn't touch. This has gained him fame and even more fortune as the businesses have usually been successful.With all that in mind, we still can't help but think that it'd be back to business as usual with someone who supported Hillary Clinton. The numerous scandals and lies, and flat out disregard for American lives she displayed don't exactly garner confidence in her, much less someone who knows this and still supported her, now wants to run as a Republican.

mark cuban

To us, it just doesn't make a whole bunch of sense. It just looks like our election process is becoming a reality show with every celebrity millionaire and billionaire talking about how they can relate to the American people. We'll play along though Mark Cuban, as you've garnered enough respect among people to at least have a go at it. We're pretty sure it's just going to be another mud-slinging campaign though.

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