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Old Woman Beats Off Attacker with Bacon

Veteran News
Veteran News
July 20, 2016
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The versatility of bacon is already well known. Lip balm, bandages, and bouquets already exist as a testament to the king of all food (you're welcome). One might have thought the uses for it were, well, all used up. But who knew you could make it into a weapon?When a woman withdrew a large sum of money on Monday afternoon, she didn't expect to be the victim of a robbery. Apparently, her attacker followed her and waited for a good time to strike.A still-unknown woman grabbed her cart, and demanded the money. That's when the 86-year-old lady pulled out the ultimate defense.

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Reports from local police stated that she, "defended herself by repeatedly hitting the female offender over the head with a packet of bacon.”Take some time and read the comments on the Facebook post regarding the incident; they're absolute gold.

When confronted with such an iron-clad defense, the would-be robber backed down and fled the scene. So our hero got to bring home the bacon... and bring home the bacon.Let's all make ourselves a Bacon Explosion and celebrate this glorious accomplishment! (Again, you're welcome.)

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