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Sgt. Will Gardner Out Today

Active Military
Active Military
January 11, 2019
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We don't know if you all have been paying attention this past week, but we've given some pretty heavy attention to the new movie "Sgt. Will Gardner". The movie follows an Iraq war veteran through the struggles of transition, TBI, PTSD and survivors guilt. It was written and produced by Max Martini who stars in the movie as well. Many of you will recognize Max from his roles in "Saving Private Ryan", "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi", "Pacific Rim", the TV Show "The Unit" and many other notable roles (like 50 Shades of Grey for you ladies that are into that).We had the opportunity to speak with Max twice regarding the film, once over the phone and then yesterday on our live feed on Facebook at 1 P.M. CST. We couldn't be more pleased with how he approached this film. It's not often that a man outside of our community comes in and does justice to a role with such authenticity and boldness when addressing a real epidemic among our returning warriors.There are numerous veteran success stories, but for every one of those, there are a few men and women who fall by the wayside, through no fault of their own the breaks that life gave them were rough. Many of us including myself, could have found themselves in similar circumstances as the main character in this movie if circumstances had just been minutely different.

The movie is coming out today in select theatres and video on demand. Max and his team at Mona Vista Productions have pledged to donate a total of 30% of the film's profits to three different charities that help veterans. Higher Ground, Warriors Heart, and The Gary Sinise Foundation will each receive a 10% share of the profits to continue doing what they do best. Helping veterans get on the road to success.From one veteran to another, or at least to a need to see this movie. It is heartbreaking, entertaining, and brutally honest. If you do one thing this weekend, see "Sgt. Will Gardner".

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