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Back in the Fight: Day 18 - 5 Steps to Keep Motivated

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
3 min. read
January 19, 2017
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I workout alone, so staying motivated to keep working out is hard. If you are thinking about working out or you are currently workout alone, staying motivated is a huge challenge for many, to include me.

1.) Join social groups with similar interests

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(DallasRunningClub.com)[/caption]Joining online or social groups is a great way to keep yourself motivated. There a quite a few fitness groups are out there on Facebook. These groups are filled with like-minded people who encourage each other daily. Answering questions, keeping people motivated, sharing their success and results.

2.) Join an organized class

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(mensfitness.com)[/caption]When feeling stagnant in your workouts or if you are getting bored with them. Join a group class at a gym. Often people forget to change their workout every 6-8 weeks. So joining a class with others can recharge your workout.

3.) Workout partners

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786th Civil Engineer Squadron supervisor Staff Sgt. Israel Ortiz, left, participates in a ruck and run event with Staff Sgt. Berron Johnson, 786th CES NCO in charge of structures at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Oct. 28, 2016. The 786th CES’s explosive ordnance disposal flight conducts monthly ruck marches which are open to participation from any unit on Ramstein. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Joshua Magbanua)[/caption]Getting a partner in the gym can definitely help you with your workout goals. To have someone there to push you and motivate you can be a big motivator. Although make sure you choose a partner who can workout the same time of day you can and also have the same goals. If you achieve this, it will help keep you motivated.

4.) Get a coach

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Whatever kind of motivation you need, someone out there can provide it. (longevitymaxfitness.com)[/caption]Not only can a coach ensure you are doing the right exercises to meet your goals, but they will also develop eating plans for you. Many people think that coaches only work in gyms. You can find many credible coaches online. Caution: Make sure they are an actual coach. Just because a man or woman works out, doesn’t mean they are a coach. Although a physical local coach is preferred, it is very possible to achieve your goals if you work with a good online coach as well.

5.) Write it down

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(bodybuilding.com)[/caption]Tracking your workouts is a great way to stay motivated. It is great to look back at a specific exercise (let’s say bench press) and see that you have gotten stronger over time. Writing down your workouts allow you to not only see your progress weekly, it also allows you to see your improvements long term. About the Author: Scott Hardesty is a retired Army Ranger that served 26 years in the US Army. Despite being rated 60% disabled by the military, he successfully lost weight and gained muscle in just 10 months through hard work and dedication. He founded Ranger Nutrition as a way to provide people with the tools they need to get - and stay - in shape, with products made in the USA.

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