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Top Military Leaders of Modern Times

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August 13, 2018
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We've all heard of how great Patton was. We know that Eisenhower wrecked Nazi Germany's shit. Admiral Nimitz took the fight to the Pacific and MacArthur made Red China fear for their lives. We even remember our good ol' high functioning alcoholic, Ulysses S. Grant. Who could forget Sherman (Atlanta certainly doesn't)?The United States has a long list of really badass commanders who made history and won wars. But who took up the reins? Who are/were the top military leaders making waves in the Global War on Terror era?Chaos Actual, James Mattis You had to know Chaos Actual would be number one on the list. First off, stop calling him Mad Dog, it's Chaos. He hates Mad Dog, he even states so. Thank you Paul Szoldra. He is on this list because well, why the f*** wouldn't he be? Whether it was Afghanistan or Iraq, Mattis always got the job done, even when it seemed impossible. The Warrior Monk does it all.

Top Military Leaders

General Michael HageeFor those of you who don't know, educate yourself. Here, we'll help. General Hagee was the 33rd Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the last Commandant of the Marine Corps to have fought in Vietnam. From the jungles of Vietnam to the desert of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, General Hagee combined the best of two worlds. Old school ass kicking combined with modern technology. Deadly.[caption id="attachment_18400" align="alignnone" width="2000"]

Top Military Leaders

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Journalist Craig P. Strawser (RELEASED)[/caption]General Austin S. MillerChances are you haven't heard of General Miller. There's a reason why. The quiet professionalism of this Army Special Forces warrior may lead many to believe he is a nobody, hell they might not even realize he exists. That'd be their last and probably a most fatal mistake. With combat experience from Somalia to Bosnia, the man gets the job done and makes little fuss about it. That's what we want from the man in charge of JSOC.[caption id="attachment_18401" align="alignnone" width="750"]

Top Military Leaders

(DoD photo by Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brigitte N. Brantley/Released)[/caption]Lieutenant Michael Murphy (In Memorium)Despite being killed in action, Lieutenant Murphy set an example for officers to follow for years to come. His actions have inspired officers from all branches to take better care of their men and to push themselves to new extremes. He is on this list because his leadership and example transcend his death and live on in our hearts. Leadership has no age limit and every leader should know his story.[caption id="attachment_18402" align="aligncenter" width="651"]

Top Military Leaders

U.S. Navy photo (RELEASED)[/caption]Command Sergeant Major John Wayne TroxellA key ingredient to good leadership is clear concise communication. CSM Troxell made headlines for his blunt but accurate statement that we've killed folks with E-tools for a while. Make no mistake, the military is about killing. The Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff gets it. He didn't need fifteen pages to get his point across. With combat experience ranging from around the world, he knows a thing or two about leadership under fire.[caption id="attachment_18403" align="aligncenter" width="609"]

Top Military Leaders

Lethality equals E-Tool[/caption]If you feel that someone worthy of this list has been left off, instead of getting angry and turning into a keyboard warrior, tell us who your favorite leaders are and why.

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