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Cowboys Take a Knee During National Anthem

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
September 26, 2017
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This weekend, national anthem protests took center stage with one of the more powerful gestures of Week 3 of the NFL season. At least 150 players did not stand for the national anthem at multiple football games on Sunday. On Monday, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined his team as they locked arms and took a knee before the playing of the anthem at the game against the Arizona Cardinals.

national anthem

President Trump called for NFL owners to fire players for not standing for the anthem during a rally in Alabama Friday. After this plea, several owners joined their teams on the sidelines during Sunday’s games in a display of unity. The Arizona Cardinals did the same Monday night. Jones and the Cowboys didn't take a knee for the actual anthem, many do see their pre-anthem act as a sign of solidarity with the protest, while others see it as a way to appease those that were hoping for some acknowledgement of the activism associated with it.While we appreciate the fact that the Cowboys did not kneel during the anthem and the disrespect that comes from the act, it's hard not to see this as a tactic to pander to fans and activists rather than hold on to individual or collective ideals. Jones had been outspoken against the kneeling and seemingly pressed his players against it. In fact, Jones recently went on record against it altogether: “I do not think the place to express yourself in society is as we recognize the American flag,” he said last week in an interview with Fox Business. “So that’s not the place to do anything other than honor the flag and everybody that’s given up a little bit for it.”What's your take? Did the Cowboys handle this well or was this just an attempt to get good PR at a time that even the most lucrative team in pro sports could use some? Sound off in the comments and let us know how you feel about it!

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