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Waffle House Shooting: Reactions and Analysis

Veteran News
Veteran News
April 26, 2018
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A while back, we wrote a piece talking about how we react like children everytime tragedy strikes, people yell and bicker, argue vehemently without really accomplishing anything. We were pleasantly surprised to see how the community around Nashville, Waffle House and the hero James Shaw Jr. responded to the entire situation. Rather than erroneous loud screeching about how something needs to be done with laws, considering the law (the piece of paper) failed to prevent this. The three entities involved set to work doing the right thing in the aftermath of this tragedy.They honored the victims and raised money for the victim's families.James Shaw Jr. raised over $150,000 within a week utilizing a GoFundMe campaign.The Waffle House where this attack took place has pledged to donate all of the proceeds from this weekend to the families of the deceased.

Waffle House

We don't have to belittle each other on Facebook to get things done. Sometimes all it takes is realizing that there are two worlds that we must reconcile. The world as it should be, and the world that is. While we work feverishly towards the world that should be, we must sadly live in the world that is. The world that is, in this case, is that nothing can bring the deceased back to life. As we recognize that, it's important to recognize that as strong as our opinions may be on the subject, we've seen an unarmed man display extraordinary bravery, a corporation commit to ensuring the financial well being of the victims and a generous outpouring of support from the community.The world that is, isn't the world that should be yet, but we are still moving ever closer when we turn down the bitterness on social media and unite with our neighbors. After all, we're all on the same team. This is how we should react!

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