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Grunt Fit: Home Workouts

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December 19, 2017
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We need home workouts. We've all been there. The fact of the matter is that in the rat race that is our world this day and age, we can get burned out extremely easily and not want to take care of our bodies. Going to the gym sometimes is that extra step that breaks your motivation for the day. While exercise is definitely always good for you (unless you're sick, don't exercise if you're sick). That doesn't mean you can't workout at home though.No, you may not have the perfect home gym with all the same equipment and tools you have available at a big commercial gym. However, that doesn't mean you can't get in a good sweat while in the comfort of your own home. We're not just talking about going for a run either. In this article, we'll give you some great ways to workout at home. The key here will be the volume, you're going to be doing a lot of body weight exercises. To get your heart rate increased you'll need to minimize your rest time and maximize your repetitions.

Home workouts

We're going to be using a circuit format. What this allows us to do is allow for some rest for each movement pattern. For example, even though we're focused on legs, we'll switch from squats to lunges to jumps. That way you're doing different movements that prevent musculoskeletal imbalances. The way a circuit works is it super-sets (doing one exercise right after another with no rest) each exercise.

Home Workouts

Leg Circuit Home Workouts: Do each exercise in order, after you reach the bottom, start again at the top. That's one round. Try to get as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.Bodyweight Squats: 20 RepetitionsBackward Lunges: 20 RepetitionsStanding Calf Raises: 30 RepetitionsSquat Jumps: 15 RepetitionsUpper Body Circuit Home Workouts: Do each exercise in order, after you reach the bottom, start again at the top. That's one round. Try to get as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.Canned Good Bicep Curls: 20 repetitions each armDiamond Pushups: 8 repetitions (if you can't do 8, get as many as you can and move to the next exercise)Canned Good Tricep Extention: 25 repetitions each armPushup: 20 repetitions or till you can't repeat another repetitionCore Circuit Home Workouts: Do each exercise in order, after you reach the bottom, start again at the top. That's one round. Try to get as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.Toe Touch Crunches: 25 repetitionsPlank: Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minuteMountain Climbers: 30 Repetitions (each leg)Flutter Kicks: 25 repetitions (each leg)

Home Workouts

These are by far not the only workouts you can do at home. Feel free to use the format and substitute exercises as necessary to meet your goals. Make sure that you're getting the full 20 minutes.

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