So, we'll come right out and say it. The legend behind why John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence in such a bold and large manner is mostly just that, a legend, but since we like to have a wee bit of fun with our history and we're the writers, it's our world we can make it up as we go, since it is actually a legend and there is no legitimate or factual basis behind the legend...well there might be, but we're still gonna have fun with it. There are numerous possible reasons John Hancock signed so large.The first reason that is attributed to his large signature was so that King George could read it without his spectacles. That's pretty bold if we dare say, but we want to go a step further and say that he was even bolder in why his signature was so large, he wanted King George to read it from across the Atlantic Ocean. Microphone drop right here and now. He could have also done it that large because he was, in fact, a giant. Just kidding he wasn't a giant. That's not true. He might have done it so large so that signatures will be called John Hancocks from then on, mission accomplished right? He might have been showing off to Thomas Jefferson who'd just penned the Declaration of Independence,"I can write in fancy cursive too TOM!!"

Look all kidding aside. When we decided that we were done with King George's weird creepy abusive relationship with the colonies one signature stands out. What is important to notice about this is that sort of boldness certainly would have ended in death for John Hancock had the revolution failed. While others might be able to say the ink smudged or weasel out of it, John was committed to the cause of liberty to the death.Remember, folks, sometimes its good to be large and in charge like John Hancock's signature signature (see what we did there) and also all that other liberty/freedom minded stuff he did as well.Read more stories of American Grit: