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2018 Warrior Games: Inspiring Competition

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
May 30, 2018
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It's that time of year again. Time for bragging rights among the branches. Men and women from each branch and even a few of our allies will be participating in the 2018 Warrior Games in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Over the course of nine days, the competition will be fierce as America (and her allies) doesn't produce men and women that are "ok" with coming in second place.With eleven events, there are tons of opportunities for all ill and injured service members and veterans to take advantage of, showing their skills and their undying, and unwavering warrior spirit. We can't wait to see the champions this year's games produce.The transition from war back to home is a difficult one, one that many studies have show becomes easier if warriors are engaged in active lifestyles and are encouraged by a support group of family and community. They feel as if they belong once again, which is only proper and right because they never "didn't belong." The Warrior Games are a way for them to step up to the plate and show they still have fight left within, the flame is not extinguished in their heart.

Warrior Games

As we see warriors run, swim, shoot, play basketball and many many more sports, we are reminded of the quote by Paulo Coelho;

“You are not defeated when you lose. You are defeated when you quit.”

There is no quit in these men and women. Life has taken it's best shot at some of them and they have responded appropriately. Just like the men from our U.S. Paralympic Sled Hockey team who brought home the gold, we've seen time and time again that these brave souls should not be underestimated.

Warrior Games

We wish all athletes competing the best of luck. No matter what happens you have our respect and admiration as our brothers and sisters in arms! Continue to do great things!Check out some of the Grunt Style 2018 Warrior Games apparel to show your support for the 2018 Warrior Games!

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