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Go Army, Beat Navy!

Active Military
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Athletes in Motion
December 7, 2018
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It’s that time of year again. You build up to it all year. Blood, sweat, and tears were spent to bring you this moment. Tough Army team that has gone 9-2, taken Oklahoma to OT and played one epic season playing against a Navy team whose season can be summed up in one word. Pitiful. Oh yeah, Navy fans, look away, it doesn’t get any prettier here!It is my favorite time of year. The traditional Army-Navy game. Army enters on a two-year winning streak, hoping to extend it to three tomorrow. Army has had one hell of a season, taking Oklahoma into overtime. A team that just made the College Football Playoff, we took them to OVERTIME! Unfortunately, it wasn’t a successful overtime. They were 29 point underdog, so I’d say it was a successful game all around! They went on to win out the season to finish 9-2. Let's not forget who has the better jerseys this year too! Damn good season, couldn’t be happier!Now we get to those punks on the other side. The Navy Midshipmen have had less than an ideal season here. Granted, they have played some tough opponents as well. Who can sleep on Air Force and Tulane… All jokes aside, they did have a tough matchup with Notre Dame who also made the playoff. Who can forget about the “defending National Champion” UCF (not a chance, you didn’t actually play for the trophy. Go sit down little kids.). After all this, it really doesn’t matter who plays who and what the result is. Everyone knows that this game will be close. It’s one of, if not the biggest rivalry in college football. Guaranteed Navy comes out and gets punched in the mouth for a quarter and a half finds its groove in the second quarter, and then makes it a game in the second half. Don’t get your hopes up though Navy fans, you still aren’t going to pull this one out. Final prediction: Army wins this one in a heavyweight bout type game, 28-20.Let’s push the rivalry to the side though, to wish both teams a great game, hope no injuries occur, and at the end of the day, we shake hands. We may not be on the same sideline tomorrow, but we all still fight for the same.With that being said… GO ARMY, BEAT NAVY!! SINK THOSE MIDSHIPMEN!!

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