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Knights Come Clutch in Game 6

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
May 7, 2018
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Last night the Las Vegas Golden Knights continued their historic season by putting away the San Jose Sharks 3-0 in Game 6.The first period went by without incident as both teams tried to gain the advantage, but the aggressive defense by the Golden Knights ended up forcing the Sharks into a bad spot during the second period as Jonathan Marchessault scored the first goal of the night off of a San Jose turnover. The defense had poked the puck loose and Jonathan ended up pushing it right through the five-hole of goaltender Martin Jones.Things would not get any easier for the Sharks as the outstanding play by Fleury coupled with shots harmlessly ricocheting off the goal posts didn't allow the Sharks to score a goal all night. Another quick and almost unseen goal by Nate Schmidt had the Knights up by two going into the final frame. The defense was really the MVP of the night, everyone hustled especially Ryan Reaves who put San Jose on notice with his tenacious play.

Golden Knights

The third period happened much the same as the second period, unrelenting and ferocious defense by the Golden Knights, and misfortune for the Sharks. Down only 2 goals the Sharks pulled their goalie with hopes that the extra man could cut the deficit in half and perhaps swing the momentum their way. It was not to be as Cody Eakin sealed the fate of the Sharks by effortlessly popping in the Knights third goal of the night on an empty net.The Golden Knights will have to wait to see who they play next in the conference finals as Nashville and Winnipeg have yet to complete their series. Winnipeg is up on Nashville three games to two, but Nashville is coming off of a very strong previous season in which they went to the Stanely Cup finals.

Golden Knights

One thing is certain if the Knights play like they did last night, no team has a chance against their smothering defense.

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