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U.S. Men's Bobsled Team: Army Strong

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
January 31, 2018
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The United States Men's Bobsled team is fielding three sleds in this year's Olympic games. After the unexpected death of leader Steven Holcomb, the United States Bobsled team was disheartened. Who could fill the void that he had left? Four men from the United States Army stepped up to the challenge. The leadership, the strength, the work ethic, it was already a part of who they were. When the adversity struck these men didn't have to be asked to step up, they were already moving forward with grit and determination. The U.S. Men's Bobsled Team is Army Strong.Sgt. Justin Olsen, Cpt. Chris Fogt, Sgt. Nick Cunningham and SFC Nathan Weber will be leading the United States Men's Bobsled Team this winter in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The first three have been here before, they know what to expect and with the recent resurgence of the U.S. Bobsled program, they are chomping at the bit to get back to the games and win gold! The fourth, SFC Nathan Weber will be experiencing his first Olympic games, after having read about Sgt. Justin Olsen and his success, Weber was inspired and began training.

Bobsled team is army strong

In one sled alone there will be three soldiers. The driver, Justin Olsen will be pushed by fellow soldiers, Fogt, and Weber. The fourth man in their team is Carlo Valdes. Olsen was part of the team that won gold in 2010 with Steven Holcomb and now as the driver has big shoes to fill. Make no mistake about it though, these soldiers that represent our country are the very best that we have to offer.It's not often that we do two things really well. We're fond of Ron Swanson's saying "don't half ass two things, whole ass one thing," however these four men have shown that not only can they hack it in the United States Army, but they're showing the world that the U.S. Men's Olympic Bobsled team is Army strong!

 Bobsled Team is Army Strong


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