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How to Use a Straight Razor

Mammoth Sniper Challenge
Mammoth Sniper Challenge
June 16, 2016
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This article is coming at you from our friends over at Alpha Outpost.Every man may not use a straight razor. Some have no idea how to use it, some think it's for their grandfather, or they are just scared as hell of it. Well fellas, just like driving a manual car, you may not do it every day but you damn well better know how to do it if the situation arises.

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Don't worry, we have your back. Below is the best steps on how to use a straight razor. Now you will have the training to be prepared.

How to Use a Straight Razor

Step One: Take a ShowerThis will not only clean your face, but it will open up your pores to allow for a smoother shave.Step 2: Trim Your BeardBefore you use a straight razor its best to trim down your facial hair. This will put less strain on the blade and on your skin. After your trim moisten your face with water and apply shaving cream/oil. This will help prevent irritation.Step 3: How to Hold Your RazorRest the first 3 fingers on the back of the blade. Your pinky should rest on the blades tang. Your thumb should be placed on the backside of the blade near the middle.Step 4: ShavingPull your skin tight before you start shaving. By not pulling your skin you increase the risk of cutting yourself. Your first pass should go along the grain to help combat irritation. Keep your strokes within a couple of inches until you get more comfortable with the blade. After each pass wipe your blade on a clean towel to remove cream and hair. If you are not satisfied with your first pass reapply 4-5 drops of shave oil and repeat the shaving process.Step 5: Post ShaveWash your face with cold water to remove any cream, oil and hair. This will also help close your pores. The last thing you should do is apply a natural after shave balm that quickly absorbs providing instant protection and a soothing feel.As we always say, have the tools and the training for any situation. Stay fresh gentleman.

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