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Saudi Police Officers Subdue Heavily Armed ISIS Members

Veteran News
Veteran News
January 9, 2017
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In an extraordinary video uploaded to twitter last Saturday, two Saudi police officers who were attacked by heavily armed ISIS soldiers took complete control of the situation and eliminated the threat with only their pistols.

Extraordinary video from today of a #Saudi officer, Jeeran Awaji,taking out TWO heavily armed #ISIS members with only his pistolGraphic vid pic.twitter.com/vEj7OYzVjS

— Ahmad Al-shathry (@Abunass3r) January 7, 2017

The tense footage, shot from the window of a home, shows two officers opening fire on the ISIS members. They are strangely calm - according to security forces, the men were dressed in suicide vests and had automatic weapons. The terrorist forces had taken a civilian hostage while others ran for safety into a nearby mosque. When they refused to surrender, the gunfire begins. Two terrorists approach the side of the police car before two officers in black open fire, killing the men before they can react. Two women can be heard in the background of the video, exclaiming in fear as the gunfire rings out.

One of the officers, later identified as Jibran Awaji, was credited for both deaths and taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries. He is currently in stable condition.

Here he is recuperating after the incident.The #ISIS members were waering suicide belts&bore AK-47s.Again, he took BOTH out with A PISTOL. pic.twitter.com/sLdNzmNfkz

— Ahmad Al-shathry (@Abunass3r) January 7, 2017

One of the ISIS fighters killed was the same man that orchestrated the bombing of a Medina mosque in Saudi Arabia last July, according to the Saudi government. The explosion killed four people.

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