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Squat or Leg Press: Perfecting Lower Body Workouts

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
January 4, 2018
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Should we squat or leg press? As we all crowd the gym with our New Years resolutions (let's not pretend some of us aren't those people), the question "What are the best exercises to do?" comes to many people's mind. Why wouldn't it? You want to get the most bang for your buck at the gym right? Let's start with your wheels, your 'sky's out thighs out'. What is a better exercise, the squat or leg press?The traditional barbell squat is known as the king of leg exercises. As far as increasing total body strength, athletic performance and hypertrophy (increasing the size of muscle), there is nothing better than squats. This comes with a small caveat though. To properly perform a squat, there needs to be a level of mobility in the hips and knees and stability through your abdomen and upper body, ensuring that your spine stays in a good neutral position. For some people, this is a difficult task. Have you ever heard people say that squatting is bad for you? Those people are the people that have horrible squat form or were told that falsehood by people with horrible squat form. Squatting is truly the king of leg exercises if you properly perform the movement.

squat or leg press

There is a place for the leg press though. For folks that are unable to squat whether due to improper form or injuries that prevent them from doing so, the leg press is an adequate substitute. In no way shape or form are they equal. For starters, the leg press puts you in a very comfortable, advantageous position to maximize a mechanical advantage. Secondly, the leg press doesn't force you to engage muscles that would typically work to stabilize and balance you during a squat, so you're leaving muscle groups out, creating a window for the dreaded 'musculoskeletal imbalance'. The plus side of the leg press is the ability to perform a lot more repetitions than with a similar weight on the squat rack.

squat or leg press

In the debate of squat or leg press, the squat easily comes out on top (as long as you do it properly). When designing an exercise program and you find yourself asking 'Should I squat or leg press?' answer it with both. While the leg press isn't the best exercise for developing strength, size, and power in your legs, it's definitely no slouch and should be treated as an accessory lift to your squats. Best of luck to you all in your New Years endeavors!

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