Standing Cable Curls
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Standing Cable Curls - Isolating Biceps

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
October 31, 2017
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Isolate your biceps to build mountainous peaks with standing cable curls. The standing cable curls exercise is excellent for focusing solely on your biceps and using the constant resistance of the cable machine to hone in on your biceps peaks.Cables provide something that free weights don’t, constant tension on both the upward curl and the negative, or the return motion. Cables lend themselves to fluid and natural movements that allow you to work under tension through the full range of motion. So switch up your arm days and include cables. You’ll find that using cables is a great way to vary your bicep exercises.

How To Do Standing Cable Curls:

For cable curls, you can use the straight bar, split ropes, or EZ bar attachment!

  1. Secure a cable machine. Choose your attachment, and make sure it’s set on the lowest setting (closest to the floor).
  2. Grab the cable attachment with a shoulder width grip with an underhand grip, or palms facing upward.
  3. Get in a secure stance close to the cable pulley machine with your feet shoulder width apart.
  4. To begin the exercise, keep your upper arms stationary, elbows close to your torso, and curl the weights up while contracting your biceps. Only the forearms should move.
  5. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted. The bar will be at shoulder level. Pause for a one count and squeeze the muscle.
  6. Slowly begin to move back to your starting position. Move super slow and let the negative portion of the movement help you build size and strength.
  7. Don’t let the weight stack touch before moving into your second repetition.
  8. Repeat for the stated number of repetitions.

Trainer Tips:

Cables allow you to change the point of maximal loading, or the point and/or angle at which the muscle is under the most tension. By changing the height setting on the cable rack, you can manipulate the point of maximal loading which is something you can’t do with free weights. Lift from a different angle to increase the emphasis of the cable curl.

Sample Exercise Plan:

Try these cable supersets. Do four rounds of each superset for 8-12 reps.

  • Standing cable curls 1 set of 10-12
  • Triceps pushdowns bar attachment 1 set 10-12
  • Reverse grip cable curl 1 set of 12-15
  • Kneeling cable triceps extensions 1 set 10-12
  • Wide grip standing curls 1 set of 10-12
  • Cable lying triceps extensions 1 set 10-12
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