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Luke Holler Memorial 5K

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May 31, 2019
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Folks, I know often times, I'm either very sarcastic or very brazen with my writing. This time, though I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you about something special that you can partake in if you're in the San Antonio Area this weekend.Tomorrow June 1st is the annual Luke Holler 5k. (Register on athleteguild.com)Luke was my best friend going into the Marine Corps. We both had our lives outside of the delayed entry program but, when we were at the recruiting station awaiting our ship date, we were thick as thieves. We left for recruit training together in August 2004 and continued our friendship. I was guide for a little bit, I know it's a stupid brag, but I messed up slightly one day and our drill instructors fired me and asked for a new guide on the spot...of course, it was Luke. The man was a hard-charging guy. When I say hard-charging I mean...you couldn't wipe the smile off of his face even when we were absolutely miserable. We'd be getting haze...trained and sweating buckets and Luke would be there with a smile on his face. That's who he was. We'd be encrusted with sand having it in all the places sand should never go and I'd be thinking...This was a huge mistake...only to look over and see Luke with the mischevious smile he always seemed to have.We got separated at School of Infantry and we went our separate ways. Luke to 4th Recon, me to Third Battalion, Seventh Marine Regiment. We lost touch. We understood that preparing for war required a certain level of attention...our last conversation was us telling each other we'd have to catch up soon, just after I'd gotten back from Iraq and he was about to go. We never did get to catch up. He was killed in action on November 2nd, 2006.The Luke Holler 5k...is about honoring the spirit of one of the greatest men I've ever known and honoring his legacy. In honor of that legacy, there is a raffle with proceeds supporting the Recon and Sniper Foundation. Their mission...

The Recon & Sniper Foundation provides veterans with the resources and supporting infrastructure they need to make a meaningful transition back to civilian life.

So if you're able, tomorrow morning June 1st, 2019 at 0800, at Bulverde Community Park (29815 Bulverde Lane, Bulverde, TX 78163) run and buy a raffle ticket to support the legacy of a warrior. The item to be raffled off is a beautifully crafted rifle from Sons of Liberty Gun Works, with a custom Cerakote finish honoring the Recon and Sniper Foundation and all the men who've given their last full measure of devotion.

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