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911 Operator Faces Serious Allegations

Veteran News
Veteran News
October 14, 2016
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A Houston 911 operator allegedly hung up on thousands of callers because she "didn't feel like talking to anyone," police said.Crenshanda Williams is charged with interference with an emergency telephone call.She had been employed as a telecommunicator with the Houston Emergency Center since July 2014, and her supervisors eventually noticed a strange pattern: she had an unusually high number of “short calls” that lasted less than 20 seconds.When her bosses investigated the recorded calls, they found that thousands of calls had been disconnected by Williams herself. These disconnections occurred between Oct. 2015 and March 2016.


911 Operator Just Didn't Want to Talk to Anyone

The calls were for various 911-related emergencies, and in at least one case, Williams hung up on a robbery/homicide caller.On March 12, 2016, Williams hung up on several callers, including once as soon as she picked up the phone.During another call that day, she said to the caller, “Houston 911, do you need medical, police or fire?” and when the caller responded “this is a robbery,” Williams sighed and hung up the phone, according to court documents.Investigators eventually found the robbery/shooting caller, who confirmed that someone had hung up on him before he called back and received assistance.In that case, a person died before police arrived.In another incident, Williams hung up on a security guard who was reporting dangerous street racing.After she hung up the phone, the recording captured her saying “Ain’t nobody got time or this. For real.”Williams told police that she hung upon those occasions and others, citing the reason that she “did not want to talk to anyone at that time.Investigators charged Williams after finding out that her actions prevented assistance from getting to those who needed it during a an emergency. She is currently out on $1,000 bond.

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