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Encouraging Kids to Get Outside: Try Making Spartan

Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
2 min. read
February 2, 2017
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Our future rests in the young people who will soon take our places in our hobbies, sports, and life. Spartan Kids Race has been an amazing advocate in giving children of all ages the chance to have an amazing adventure, and build the sense of hard work and feeling accomplished at the same time.

The Races are .5 to 2-mile obstacle courses that take place all over the country, and the best part is they may not even realize that what they are doing is exercise and will make them healthier. These events take place outdoors and in all types of terrain and climates - and what kid doesn't like playing in the mud? Kids today have grown attached to things like their phones, TV, or video games, but through events like this, we as adults and parents have the ability to change all that. By encouraging our future generations to explore new and fun ways to get active, we can slowly bring our future back to the days of playing outside and interacting with others.

"Spartan Kids creates a unique opportunity to encourage a confident, respectful, healthy, and fit group of young individuals"

Justin Ross

Director of US Spartan Kids

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